Monday, February 28, 2011

Technology of Today and Tomorrow

I watched "Cinderella," "Aladdin," and "Beauty and the Beast" as a kid.  Kids today are watching movies about robots and the environment.  Take a peek (in case you haven't seen this amazing movie).

Think computers are smarter than humans?  Check this out.

Puzzles that computers can't solve? 

Do you tell your parents that you pay attention and take good notes in class?  With $150, they could actually monitor all that using one simple pen.

Ever used a tablet computer?  This is the newest version... but it's already three years old!

Sure that the iPhone is what you want?  Droid is upping the competition.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Creative Writing and Journalism

If you are interested in either of those course electives, your request must be made tomorrow, February 24.  After that date, I will no longer be able to recommend you.  Email me or see me tomorrow. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Websites and Poet Portrait Info

Your Poet Portrait must have:
  1. poet's name
  2. poet's picture
  3. name of poem you are reading
  4. names of published books of poetry
  5. brief biography

Poetry Coffeehouse

Poetry Coffeehouse

Words mean more than what is set down on paper.  It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning. *Maya Angelou

ü  Select poems that lend themselves to being read aloud and/or performed
ü  Practice performance
ü  Present poetry reading to the class
ü  Use a rubric to rate performance

Poetry Requirements:
ü  Must cover appropriate material
ü  14+ lines (can be comprised of multiple poems)

Poetry Presentation:
ü  On the day of the coffeehouse, you must bring a “folder” containing your Poet Portrait (see template) and the poem.   A sample was provided in class for you to use as a guide.

Pick a few books and explore the options of topic, style, rhythm, and rhyme.  Once you find you like, recopy it so that you can practice.  The books are signed out to Miss Drosdick and Mr. Tatgenhorst for class room use only.

Coffeehouse Poetry Reading! 

**Note: You will have today to find your poems and begin practicing.  We will not be spending Monday working on it because we will be going over the quarterly and “Mrs. Flowers” assessment.  Please use your time accordingly.**

**Your Poet Portrait will be counted as a grade, as will your reading.  Rubric to be provided.**

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Mrs. Flowers" tomorrow

The quiz tomorrow will  be 15 MC and 2 OE.

Review RAQE--


I am in need of posters or pretty letters for the writing techniques of DACH and RAQE.  I wish I had the artistic skills to make them look awesome, but I don't. :(  It will be hung on the wall so the letters need to be big enough to see from across the room.  I'd appreciate help in this matter.  You may work in my room during a lunch period if you'd like to.
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Projects will still be due on Friday but at the end of the period.

You would've had three school days and two days at home this week to get it done anyway.  We'll just use class time Thursday and Friday instead of Tuesday and Wednesday.