Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rubric Guidelines for Lit Circle Debrief

Literature Circle Debrief Feedback
A responses: All responses…
·         use sophisticated details from the material for most, if not all, responses
·         reacts to and extends the question
·         reacts to every part of the question
·         restates the question
·         proper grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and voice
All responses generally look like this: On page 41, I noticed that Charlie was being made fun of and laughed at by Joe and Frank at a party.  Charlie said, “I never knew before that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around just to make fun of me.”  This had to have been a life-crushing realization for Charlie.  He wanted the surgery in order to have friends.   

B responses: The majority of responses..
·         provide accurate but simple explanations
·         addresses all parts of the questions
·         uses sophisticated details/page numbers/quotes for half of the questions
·         proper grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and voice
All responses generally look like this: Intelligence doesn’t always make a person more likeable.  A person like Charlie was likeable because he never yelled or was mean.  Although his IQ was a 68, which is very low, he seemed like a nice person.

C, D responses: The majority of responses…
·         scratches the surface without page numbers or true specifics
·         shows only a vague, surface knowledge of the book
·         uses incorrect information
·         no deeper thinking
·         majority of responses do not fully answer the question
·         no deeper level thinking
·         improper use of grammar, sentence structure, spelling
All responses generally look like this:   Charlie’s mental ability is holding him back by not making progress at school. OR He will be able to do more after the surgery.

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