Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Post Your Essays Here

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  1. Your thoughts become very different when your perception becomes reality. Charlie's perception of intelligence all changed when being intelligent became a reality for him.
    Charlie thought down on himself, and thought he was not good enough just because he wasn't smart. Being smart for Charlie was of course knowing a lot, but also having the chance to have a family and find someone to love and for someone to love him. He thought being smart was the only way to succeed in life. Charlie soon learned that complications come with being smart. Charlie did not only become book smart. but street smart also. Because of this he found out that his "friends" at the bakery actually make fun of him. Not everything was perfect like he thought.
    Charlie thought he would have a perfect, simple, and easy life being smart, but he didn't think of the difficulties knowing what was actually happening. Real life actually isn't simple, and just because you're smart does not mean you will have friends or love. Also being smart is not the only way you can have a family. He thought he would have it all being smart but being smart doesn't get you all of it.
    Allegory of the cave they could not see what was behind them so they has to base everything on their imagination. When they people left the cave they realized that their perception was wrong and immediately came back to the cave. Just like how Charlie imagined how it would be to be smart, and thought he knew, but everything was different when he actually became smart.
    Charlie's whole dream of being smart was really a mystery, but when he lived it beyond being smart, life was more of a nightmare for him. Reality is much different the imagination, and when Charlie has such a wild imagination it is really scary when he actually lives it.

  2. Caitie Pavon
    Ms. Drosdick
    Language Arts/ Period 2
    June 8, 2011
    Flowers For Algernon Project
    A smiling face, blank, yet always there. Turns into an arrogant, self-centered, unwelcoming man. Intelligence is not the key to a happy life. It can change you emotionally and physically-not always in a good way. Charlie went from being in the dark, ignorant, yet happy, to arrogant, smart yet unhappy. There are many factors that led to the change of Charlie Gordon
    Before the surgery, Charlie is loveable and kind. Who would want to change that? Before the operation, Charlie was a warm, comforting, sweet, soft, person that everyone loved from the second they met him. He may have been made fun of by some people, but Alice and the workers at Donners Bakery loved him exactly the way he was. Big hearted and sweet. He had many friends-well I wouldn’t call them friends, more like people that made fun of Charlie, yet it was taken as if they were friends by Charlie. “I’m glad I’m going back to werk because I miss my job at the bakery and all my friends and all the fun we have.” This quote can relate to Charlie before the surgery because before it, he was likeable and had friends. He had also worked at the bakery and had a job, but after he became smart and arrogant, he lost it, and essentially, lost it all. Charlie was an amazing person before he had a surgery that changed his intelligence and IQ. But he just couldn’t see the potential in himself and the love that was given to him by other people.
    After the surgery, Charlie has changed a great deal. And it may not always be in a good way. Charlie used to be a great guy, but now with all of that knowledge packed into his brain, he’s gained something new. Attitude and arrogance. “’Oh, how insufferable you’ve become. How do you know what I feel? You take liberties with other people’s minds. You can’t tell how I feel or why I feel.’” This quote relates to how Charlie has changed after the surgery because it shows how far he is pushing Alice Kinnian away from him with his intelligence. She tries to take classes to brush up on her knowledge on all topics of things; however Charlie does not appreciate them and just gets impatient with her, resulting in Alice feeling not as smart as Charlie. She becomes very upset and can’t deal with his antics anymore. Charlie has changed as a result of his operation, but not in a good way.
    There were many aspects that contributed to the changes in Charlie. For example, the flashbacks that he is having are a major reason why he has changed. He has remembered about his past and all of the terrible memories in it. His mother, for example, was a terrible woman. She would beat Charlie and abuse him for liking girls or talking to them, in that matter. He has remembered when his mother did everything in her power for him to be smart and be normal like everyone else. He harnesses the anger his mother had and feels it now because he finally is smart like she wanted. Also, Alice has played a large role in how he is acting. Because of her, Charlie is experiencing feelings for her that he cannot control. Feelings like love. He wants to love her but he himself will not let himself make love to her and be in love with her. There are many aspects that contribute to the way that Charlie is acting.
    Intelligence is not the key to a happy life, it can change you emotionally and physically-however, not always in a good way. Charlie went from being in the dark, and ignorant yet happy, to being arrogant and rude, smart, yet unhappy, also , there were many aspects that contributed to the change of Charlies behavior. Charlie has changed a lot since his miracle operation.


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