Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wk 2: Journal Response Option 9

Write three haiku (3-line poem with 5-7-5 syllables) about the Secret Annex.

It is quiet here.
Read, write, think, dream, hope, pray, rest.
Quiet keeps us safe.

My stomach growls.
Beans, potatoes, New Year’s Cake.
I need more than this.
Longing, so longing.
To be playing with Jopie.
Will we meet again?

Ack-ack of airplanes.
The Allies fight the Axis.
Give us our freedom.

Always comparing
Me to perfect Margot Frank.
Let me be myself.


  1. It's very compact
    It's very hard to live here
    I wish I can leave this place

    Why do we live here
    Why can't I just leave this place
    I want my freedom

    So hard to live now
    Everyone is so crowded
    Hidden location

  2. People are annoyed
    Silent and Hungry
    They hide in the annex

  3. A loss of much fun.
    Unbearable, it is true.
    Space of quiet air.

    My choice of person.
    I am not a Margot, see.
    Myself I shall be.

    My life was lonesome.
    People had come to make change.
    A roommate, Anne Frank.

    My life was lonesome.
    People had come to make change.
    A roommate, Anne Frank.

  4. Wake up to silence
    Forbidden to say a word
    From nine to six

    Margot is perfect
    Why am I compared to her
    I am so different

    Hanukkah is great
    Gift giving and a big feast
    But just not this year

  5. Big embroidered stars,
    Wearing them everyday,
    Is such a big pain

    As each day passes,
    I get more and more hungry
    One day I will starve

    I cannot survive
    on beans, potatoes,
    and a few slices of cake

  6. I just want some fun,
    But I am the only one,
    Nobody will play.

    What if we get caught?
    My nightmares keep me awake,
    I am so frightened.

    I am a lone wolf,
    I like playing with Mouschi,
    My name is Peter.

  7. There's perfect Margot
    Everyday pleasing Mother
    Constantly compared.

  8. Living in the depths
    Of never-ending silence
    Cannot make a sound.

  9. Can not find a way
    To tell Anne how I'm feeling
    Something about her...

  10. My hope is shattered
    We will be bargained away
    Goodbye hiding place

    Someone to talk to
    Whom I can let out steam to
    Peter is a friend

    The room is speechless
    But my mind is bustling
    The room is screaming

  11. It is crowded here.
    We wait until they find us.
    Hope abandons us.

  12. Peter is a pain,
    But I guess I can’t complain,
    How will I stay sane?

  13. No way to go out.
    When will I ever get out?
    Forever, I'm stuck.

    Dying of boredom.
    Nothing much to do today.
    I like my old life.

    What a tragedy!
    The Holocaust causing con-
    Finment to all Jews.

  14. Here's one for Mr. Vaan Daan
    I want cigarettes.
    Some more food would be good too.
    Now what have I done...

    One about Peter:
    Small space with parents,
    Embarrassment all the time.
    Why I have Mouschi.

    And one general haiku:
    For two families
    and a single man, there is
    no chance of quiet.

  15. Nazis follow Hitler.
    We have to resort to hiding.
    God, please help us live.

    We've done nothing wrong.
    All that we can do, is pray.
    I hope we survive.

    Peter used to be very shy.
    However, now we know each other.
    I like Peter now.

  16. Bothersome Annex
    Why must you torment me
    I'd rather be caught

    I hate these people
    Well, most of them anyways
    Peter is a dream

    Must we go on here
    Living in such filth as pigs
    What could we have done

  17. No food for many months.
    Miep brought them a New Year's Cake.
    This made them fight more.

    In a attic room.
    I long to enjoy the cold air.
    Is this ending soon?

    Miep helps keep them safe.
    Mr. Kraler also helps.
    Together they work.

  18. 1: He steals all the food
    He blames it on Peter's cat
    Why can't he just leave?
    2: I dream of the day
    Where the Nazi's get us all
    I feel safe no more
    3: Margot is perfect
    She does not have a dark side
    At least I think so...

  19. We must be quiet
    Here in the secret annex.
    Its awfully lonely.

    There is family.
    Everyone is together.
    Here in the annex.

    Why oh why my room!
    My room is not a guest room!
    I want Dussel gone!

  20. We must be quiet
    Here in the secret annex.
    It’s awfully lonely.

    There is family.
    Everyone is together.
    Here in the annex.

    Why oh why my room!
    My room is not a guest room!
    I want Dussel gone!

  21. Trapped in a cave
    Cut off from our simple lives
    Forced to hide away

    Living with Dussel
    Is like living in a jail
    You can't be your-self

    Mr. Van Daan's wife
    Mrs. Van Daan, can't stand to
    See her fur coat sold

  22. Missing our bestfriends
    Starving in this “apartment”
    Wanting to go home

  23. 1. They had eight people
    Sadly, there weren't enough rooms
    A few had to share

    2. Arguments were held
    At dinner and after six
    The annex was loud

    3. They must be quiet
    Before six workers are there
    Someone could find them

  24. Im very hungry
    I stole half a loaf of bread
    Mrs. Frank scolded me

    Nothing to do here
    My Journal, filled with stories
    We must stay quiet

    We had to leave home
    We escaped to an annex
    We are safe for now

  25. We must keep quiet.
    I don't want to be taken
    By the bad Nazis.

  26. Hushed and forlorn
    Nothing to do anymore
    When will we get out?

    Misery and gloom
    Nothing to do about it
    Tempers are flaring

    Worn out and distresses
    So little room and food now
    Needed for hiding

  27. Band marches outside
    We hold our breath and wait it out
    The sound fades away

    Shoes on, shoes off, why?
    We fight and fight over nothing
    A bit of cake, why?

    Food is lost to rats
    Or maybe the culprit is fat
    A loaf of bread, food


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