Monday, January 31, 2011

To My Cat Lover Students...I need your help!

As you know, I love my little cat, Mari.  From our conversations and your journal entries for the Freedom Write, I know that a few of you have more than one cat.  I want another one!  I need your help though... did you get your second or third at the same time as the first?  Or at separate times?  My Mari is so awesome and I don't want her personality to change.  Did yours change in any way?  Look at this kitten!  This is the one I have my eye on.  Her name is Bethenny.


  1. Anonymous Ramapo Ridge StudentJanuary 31, 2011 at 3:33 PM

    I like cats, but I am afraid one is going to fall asleep on my face and kill me. I want a pet, but parents are alergic. I will hope for to a dog for now. Well at least until I get older and actually get one. Good luck with your cat issue. Yes, Bethenny is really cute.

  2. i only have one cat..but i would get my 2nd and 3rd cats at the same time if i were you :)

  3. That is an adorable cat! But if you wanted to get more, your first cat Mari might feel neglected because you need to take more care of a kitten than you need to take care of a grown cat, who are self-dependent. If you do want Bethenny, and you get her, just make sure your first cat isn't ignored or left out. Make both cats feel loved! Good luck!


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