Monday, January 31, 2011

To My Cat Lover Students...I need your help!

As you know, I love my little cat, Mari.  From our conversations and your journal entries for the Freedom Write, I know that a few of you have more than one cat.  I want another one!  I need your help though... did you get your second or third at the same time as the first?  Or at separate times?  My Mari is so awesome and I don't want her personality to change.  Did yours change in any way?  Look at this kitten!  This is the one I have my eye on.  Her name is Bethenny.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Xtranormal Project Options

I learned how to use this awesome "movie maker" site.
This is the sample I did:

New HEROES project options:
A free account will allow you 300 points to work with.  The 2:21 video I made used 211 points.  The scene's setting, character avatars, script, character actions, and sounds must be accurate to the text.  Go to town! :)  It's really easy and a lot of fun to use.

-For a GOLD project "art/audio/writing" option, recreate a scene from the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, or resolution.  You may choose to do a monologue by Francis or a conversation between two people.  Do not do the scene that I did.  

-For a GOLD project, rewrite a new ending to the novel.  

-For an additional SILVER project, create a video based on the script you wrote for an interview between Oprah and Francis.

-For an additional SILVER project, create your own HEROES avatar for your book talk.  Note: You only get so long for free on Xtranormal so you won't be able to do a ten minute video on there unless you join.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


If there is a snow day on Thursday (doubtful, but always possible)... the quarterly will be on Friday. 

Quarterly Review Sheet

Second Marking Period Quarterly: Thursday, January 27
Mrs. Castillo, Mr. Dalessio, Miss Drosdick, Mr. Tatgenhorst

Mode: Writing
Style: Explanatory
Rubric: 6 point rubric converted to a percentage
o  1 = 55---59%
o  2= 60---69%
o  3=70 ---76%
o  4= 77---84%
o  5= 85—92%
o  6=93-100%

Time Limit: 45 minutes

You will have the entire class period to compose a well-organized and detailed essay that incorporates both The Diary of Anne Frank and Heroes.

The essay will be thematically based and enriched with details from the texts pertaining to one of the following themes:

·       Acceptance
·       tolerance
·       Adversity and challenges
·       Identity
·       Heroes

If you wish to prepare for the quarterly, start brainstorming details from the texts that support each of the themes.  Consider how the literary elements of setting and conflicts contribute to the themes.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Reading Assignment 7 – pp. 105 – 123 (Tuesday, January 25)

Reading Assignment 7 – pp. 105 – 123 (Tuesday, January 25)

1.  Earlier in the novel, Francis and Larry LaSalle compete against each other in an intense game of table tennis (ping pong).

  • How does the interaction between Francis and Larry on pages 109 through 118 resemble a game of ping pong? 
  • Furthermore, how is ping pong a larger metaphor for Francis’ and Larry’s relationship, in general? 

2.  What is the big secret that Francis reveals to Larry about his motivations for going to war? 
o   Was his act of throwing himself on the grenade an act of heroism or selfishness, in your opinion?
o    In your opinion, can Francis still be considered a hero even though he didn’t intend to do what he did?

3. During their conversation, Larry asks Francis, “Does that one sin of mine wipe away all the good things?”
o   First, do you really think Larry only committed that “one” sin as he claims? Why or why not?
o   More importantly, if you were Francis, how would you respond to this question that Larry poses? 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

4/4 Open-ended rubric and response

Please keep in mind that your responses are being compared to these types of responses.  This is a stellar example.

4 point responses …

  • use intro and conclusion sentences
  • use sophisticated details from the material (2+)
  • make deeper connections and extends the text beyond what is simply said
  • uses accurate details

 Topic: On pages 27 through 30, Francis describes how he endures haunting dreams and memories of the war each night as he attempts to sleep. Why do you think this happens to Francis? What do these recurring dreams tell you about his subconscious mind?

Francis has many horrible, haunting dreams about his past when he fought in the war. I think these haunting memories keep coming back to him because he’s afraid of his past of the war and what it did to him. A grenade blew apart his face. Instead of ears, he has dangling pieces of flesh. Instead of a nose, he has two holes in the middle of his face, like two little caves he has to breathe out of. The skin of his cheeks was torn off so Francis needed to get a skin graph for his cheeks from his thighs. All his teeth were lost so he needs to use dentures that barely fit his mouth until he can have better fitting ones once his gums stop shrinking. Francis’s throat was also damaged so his voice, from now on, always comes out raspy, like he has an eternal cold. This is an unforgettable past. I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to have to live with myself, with my past. It would definitely haunt me in my dreams, where I’m vulnerable and unable to control my thoughts. These recurring dreams tell me that Francis subconsciously has a hard time dealing with his past and his physical self. When he’s conscious, he tries to ignore the stares that people give him and just push them out of his mind. The stares must come back subconsciously where he cannot just simply push them a side. Realistically, Francis is self conscious about his appearance and is self conscious about all the stares. These thoughts and images seem to come back to Francis in unconscious self while he’s sleeping where his mind is clear and is free to think of what is really scaring him, which is his past in the war.

Friday, January 21

Hi, gang.  I am of the opinion that we will be here (school) tomorrow for at least a portion of the day.  We will do the quiz. 

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff.... and this is a huge IF... we have a snow day (I hope not because I get bored at home), be prepared to take the quiz on Monday.  You also need to do your reading and journal entries.  The quarterly includes HEROES and so we need to be finished with it regardless of how many days we are in school until then.  Our quarterly is already slated for the last day of the marking period so it cannot be pushed ahead. 

You are closer to being high school students than middle school students: take responsibility.  Read through page 118 and complete Journal Assignment #6.  It is here on the blog.

Reading Assignment 6 – pp. 86 – 104 (Due Monday, January 24)

1.  On page 87, while describing Larry LaSalle’s return to Frenchtown during the war, Francis says that the parents of Frenchtown “knew that Larry LaSalle had been a bright Pied Piper for their children in the bleakness of the Depression.”

o What does this literary allusion mean?

o How is it shown, again, later in the same chapter?

2.  Pages 93 through 96 detail a very dramatic and traumatic experience for both Nicole and Francis.

o What happens?

o Why do you think Nicole was so insistent that Francis NOT leave the Rec Center when Larry told him he wanted to dance alone with her?

o Also, explain how this incident further defines the setting as the “Wreck Center.”

3.  On pages 102 through 104, Francis experiences a serious internal conflict.

o Explain this internal conflict, why it occurs, and how he eventually overcomes it.

o What is his alternative and why does he choose this alternative? What is your opinion of his decision?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reading Assignment #5 pg. 69-85 due tomorrow (Thursday)

Reading Assignment 5 – pp. 69 – 85



1.  On pages 70 and 71, Francis finds Arthur Rivier drunk in an alley. Arthur reveals to Francis that he wants people to talk about his war – “the scared war.” Francis can easily relate to Arthur’s reference. 
o Explain what Arthur means by this reference.
o In your opinion, why do you think it is important for veterans (from any war) to talk about their experiences with other veterans, as well as non-veterans?

2  On page 83, Francis mentions a little boy that is scared of him on the street.
o In what ways does his face echo the person that he inside?
o In what ways doesn’t it reflect the person he is inside?

3. On pages 84 and 85, Francis shares that he burns up Dr. Abrams’ address and phone number in his kitchen sink. Next, he burns up a list from Enrico, detailing possible hospitals in which he planned to live until he found his “proper method of disposal.”
o Why does Francis burn up these contacts?
o What does Enrico mean by “proper method of disposal” and why does Francis understand this concept so well?


Friday, January 14, 2011

Reading Journal Assignment #4 (due Tuesday)

You will select one journal topic from each reading assignment and respond to it. Your response should be AT LEAST one VERY well-developed paragraph, or more. Grammar, usage and mechanics all count as much as content!

Reading Assignment 4 – pp. 48 – 68
  • On page 53, Francis’ heroic act is revealed by Arthur.  Explain Francis’ heroic act.  What did he receive for this act, both literally and figuratively?  What is your reaction to Francis’ act of heroism?
  • What role did Larry LaSalle play in young Francis’ life?  Why was this relationship an important influence for Francis?  In what ways has this relationship transformed over time?
  • At the end of Chapter 7, Francis’ victory at the table tennis tournament and attention from Nicole is contrasted with the statement that the next day was December 7, 1941.  What is the significance of this day in history? (If you don’t know, research it!)  In your opinion, why did Cormier choose to create this contrast?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 1 Journal Entry Options-- Will be posted individually for blog responses


DIRECTIONS: Choose ONE from each section. Write a well written multi-paragraph response for each. Complete all work in your journals. Explain with details and specific examples from the text to support your thoughts. You may refer to the text for help. Responses should be written in your Reader’s Notebook or one the blog. These will be counted as READING grades and will be based upon the open-ended rubric (4-point).

Reading Assignment 1 – pp 1 – 19

 Identify one or more literary allusions in Chapters 1 and 2. Briefly research these allusions and explain how they relate to the passages in which they appear in Heroes.

 In Chapter 1, Francis says, “People glance at me in surprise and look away quickly or cross the street when they see me coming. I don’t blame them.” Compare and contrast peoples’ treatment of Francis in this passage to the way Jewish people were treated during WWII in Europe.

 Make a text-to-self connection to one of the events in Chapter 2 involving Francis’ crush on Nicole. Explain a time that you had a crush on someone and what you did to try to get (or avoid) their attention.

Reading Assignment 2 – pp. 20 – 31

 In the beginning of Chapter 3, Francis reveals that he purposely avoids eye contact with people he knows while walking through the streets of Frenchtown. Why do you think he behaves this way? What does this tell you about his character?

 As Francis roams around his old neighborhood, he visits the place where Nicole Renard once lived. He is obviously upset that she is no longer living there when he thinks to himself: I don’t know where they went, the Renards. They left without warning, in the middle of the night.

Make a prediction about where the Renards have gone. Then, make a text-to-text, text-to-world, or text-to-self connection regarding the Renards’ prompt exit from Frenchtown.

 On pages 27 through 30, Francis describes how he endures haunting dreams and memories of the war each night as he attempts to sleep. Why do you think this happens to Francis? What do these recurring dreams tell you about his subconscious mind?

Reading Assignment 3 – pp. 32 – 47

 On page 33, Francis recalls wanting to be like the older boys in town, going off to war to join the “great crusade for freedom.” While hanging out with other veterans, however, he is hesitant to reveal his identity even to them, thinking to himself, “What if I told them I was little Francis Cassavant…that I am not the hero he thinks I am, not like the other veterans here in the St. Jude Club.” Why do you think Francis feels this way about himself?

 Explain the irony behind the spelling of the “Wreck Center” (instead of “Rec Center”) and why it’s called a “bad luck place.” Make a prediction about what this may foreshadow for the rest of the story.

 Select a modern day actor to play the role of Larry LaSalle in a movie version of Heroes. Explain why you selected this person to play this role. Additionally, which modern day actor would you cast in the role of “young” Francis? Explain this choice, as well. Your selections should show careful thought about the characters’ traits and behaviors.

CH. 1-8 Vocabulary

Ch. 1-8

1. Haphazard

2. Bleary

3. Piazza

4. Tenement

5. exasperated

6. futile

7. chasm

8. pun

9. sentry

10. shuffle

11. camaraderie

12. feign

13. muffled

14. ruthless

15. inevitable

16. flashback

17. oblivion

18. notorious

19. allusion

20. inscrutable

21. reminisce

Reading Calendar

Our next novel is Heroes, a story about love, revenge, and honor in the aftermath of World War II. Please use the following schedule as a guideline for reading Heroes. You must read the assignment BY the date specified, not ON the date specified. You should keep post-it notes as you read the book. These will help you as you prepare for any assessments or as you respond to journal topics. You will receive a grade for the journal responses. These journal topics will be distributed on a separate sheet of paper. The journals will be due the day after the reading is due. They may be completed in your Reader’s Notebook OR on the blog. **Be prepared for pop quizzes.**

Read BY Date Sections Pages

Tuesday, Jan. 11th (in class) Chapter 1 pgs. 1-11
Wednesday, Jan. 12th
Chapter 2 & 3 pgs. 12-31

vocabulary done in class today

 Reading Assignment 1 Journal – pp 1 – 19 DUE TOMORROW 12-31

Thursday, Jan. 13th (in class)
Chapter 4  pgs. 32-37

Quiz: Ch. 1-3

 Reading Assignment 2 Journal – pp. 20 – 31 DUE TOMORROW 32-37

Friday, Jan. 14th Chapter 5  pgs. 38-47

Vocabulary (all 21 due and studied for Tuesday’s quiz, will be pushed to Wednesday if we have a snow day at all) 38-47

Tuesday, Jan. 18 (off on Monday) Chapters 6, 7, 8 pgs. 48-72

 Reading Assignment 3 Journal– pp. 32 – 47 DUE TODAY

Quiz: Ch. 4-8, vocabulary also included on quiz 48-72

Tuesday, Jan. 18 (in class) Chapters 9 & 10 pgs. 73-85

Reading Assignment 4 Journal– pp. 48 – 68 DUE TODAY 73-85

Wednesday, Jan. 19 Chapters 11 & 12

Reading Assignment 5 Journal– pp. 69 – 85 DUE TODAY 86-103

Thursday, Jan. 20 (in class) Chapters 13, 14

Reading Assignment 6 Journal – pp. 86 – 104 DUE TODAY 104-118

Friday, Jan. 21 (in class) Chapters 15 & 16

Reading Assignment 7 Journal– pp. 105 –123 119-135

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Compositional Risk Bingo

Today's BINGO is courtesy of...
Bright Eyes
Damien Rice
Florence + the Machine
The Beatles
Billy Joel
Garth Brooks
Talib Kweli
Bette Midler
"The Wizard of Oz"
John Denver
Dave Matthews Band
and... Miley Cyrus. :-P

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2011!  Resolutions are created in the spirit of change as a means of improving our lives.  No matter what your resolution is, focus on the idea of change. 

In the spirit of change, we'll be using a lot of 7th grade writing this week in order to see how we've changed as writers... and then we'll change that old writing piece to be indicative of the writer you've changed into. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Freedom Writes

Hi, Writers!
I've read nearly all of the Freedom Writes you've turned in.  The grades have been entered into the gradebook.  Your writing range included: poems, songs, lists, science fiction stories, fantasy stories, crime scene stories, hypotheses and projections for the future, favorites, dislikes, and ramblings of a variety of topics.  I look forward to reading your next round of writing, which will be starting on January 28. 
You can find your Writer's Notebooks in the bins.  Types pages will be handed back this week.  Either way, the grades are in the Portal for you.  G8RS, I'm finishing yours up so be on the look out for them this week.
Thanks for participating!
**Miss Drosdick