Monday, December 6, 2010

Journal #4

Imagine that you had to go into hiding with your family.  The Franks and Van Daans go into hiding thinking it will be a short-term situation.  Being in hiding is complicated by the fact that they have such different personalities.  How would your experience in hiding be with your family?  What sorts of conflicts would arise?  Why?


  1. If I were to hide with my family the conditions would be hard on my family and me. Things would change and we would need to be as quiet as we could. My experience I would say would be very harsh and limited for my family. There would be conflicts during our hide. One conflict would be sharing. I have a big family of 5, conflict will most likely occur over sharing the bathroom or sharing food since everything is scarce. Everyone would need to be able to share and try to split everything evenly among each other. With such limited food and area this will cause a couple of conflicts during our hide. Another common conflict that can arise would be space. Space is very limited and there will not be a lot of space to move around. This is a hide out and the worst thing you want is to be found. You need to keep yourself hidden as much as possible. In our hideout everything would be so tight and it will be hard to move around. My family and I will have to try our best to not have to much conflict and try to deal with limited food and space.

  2. If I were to be in hiding with my family, my experience would not be that good. Imagine a father, mother, and little sister with absolutely nothing to do. My mother, being OCD would constantly try to find something to do, and would be fidgety all day. I would probably be the same way. My dad, without work, would probably be just as fidgety, not to mention pent-up and irritable. My sister, with nothing to do, would stop at nothing to try to play with me, being a constant bother all day (as if she isn’t already  ! ) The confined spaces, lack of food and water, and other problems not normally faced in our house today would just be inviting us to argue, something which we don’t do often and never enjoy. If I were to make a prediction, there will be a lot of arguing in the Diary of Anne Frank.

  3. I certainly would not be able to hide with my family for two years. After some amount of time I would not be able to take it because I don't feel good when I'm locked in an area too long. Sometimes i might get too frustrated with the way we are living and get into trouble with any one of my family members. People need their privacy and I am certainly one of them.

  4. This is my comment.

    I can’t even describe what life would be like if I had to go into hiding with my family. It would be so crazy, especially for two years. First of all my family’s personalities clash already, and second of all even when we are together for dinner we start to bicker. Also we can never be quiet from 9am to 6pm, for my family it’s impossible. Being in hiding would be VERY complicated. Some of the conflicts that might come up are simple little fights between my sister, Lauren and I, such as taking up too much of the mirror, taking ones spot on the couch or even one of bumping into another. Most of our “fights” are nonsense, but we make them something. These conflicts would happen because our personalities clash, which is a bad thing. If we were in hiding this would all need to stop. Thank god we are not in hiding. My experience in hiding would be horrible. It wouldn’t be normal. At home, if you get mad or frustrated you can go into a separate room or even leave the house and go outside to clear your head, but in hiding you would just need to deal with it. Dealing with it would cause more frustration because when you are angry at someone you want to get as far away from that person as possible and clear your head, but if you are in a confined space you cannot do that. That is how life with my family in hiding would be.

  5. The Franks and the Van Daans were forced to go into hiding when the Nazis invaded Holland. They could only take a few of their personal items, and they went to the secret annex believing that it would be a short term situation. All 8 people living there had very different personalities and they always had arguments.
    To be honest, I do not believe that my family would be able to be in hiding for even a short time period. Everyone in my family has EXTREMLY different personalities, and they are all very short – tempered. When my mom and I visit my grandmother on the weekends, their opposite personalities always clash and a fight is inevitable.
    My uncle is very nice, but my grandmother drives him crazy. When they get in an altercation (which is quite often) he always storms away. I cannot imagine what would happen if they got in a fight during the day when we are supposed to be quiet.
    Our family would probably experience is food. Everyone has very big appetites and I don’t think we would be able to ration the food like the Franks and the Van Daans.
    Finally, my family isn’t good at sharing. I don’t think that I would be able to share a room with, for example, my baby cousin. I tend to take a long time in the bathroom showering and getting ready. I would drive my family crazy. Lastly, being in such a small area, I would probably have a panic attack and want my own space.

  6. Imagine hide and seek...Times a million. After three days with nothing but each other anyone would be a little edgy. Try spending every moment with the same people for two years. I would be running up the walls in less than a month! My faimly would probibly be alright for the first week or so! I think our biggest problem would be patience. No one in my faimly tree has exeptional patience. The bathroom would be disasterous! Eventhough we would quarrel every once and a while, I know that this experience would help us groe closer as a family...[Thumbs up for corny ending.]

  7. If I was in hiding with my family, chaos would be arising just about every day. My family is big so problems seem to pop up quite often. At least when we get in a fight, one of us can leave, maybe stay at a friend’s house or just stay in our room all day. In hiding though, we wouldn’t be so fortunate to just run away from our problems. In hiding we would probably have to deal with the situation right then and there. If anyone in our family is together for too long, problems are bound to break out. It doesn’t matter if it’s over the tiniest thing, someone will find a way to start a battle. If my family was in hiding, my sisters and I would, with no doubt, fight over the bathrooms. If I was in there for five minutes and my sister got mad, she would then go in there for ten minutes to just annoy me. This would proceed until one of us just couldn’t take it anymore. My brother, on the other hand, wouldn’t mind so much about the bathroom. Instead, he would become angry because he was so bored out of his mind without his x-box and computer. Eventually we would become so tired of seeing each other and hearing each other. We would all probably get annoyed at one another because we can only take so much of them. Life in hiding would definitely be easier with a smaller family. Luckily with my family we can get in a fight, and then act like it never even happened within twenty minutes. So yes, we will have fights and literally wrestle each other on the floor, but we can clear it up in a matter of moments. Like any another family, there will be disagreements and problems, but every family will also have their “laugh ‘till you cry” moments no matter where they are.

  8. If i was in hiding for 2 years, and never go out side i would go crazy. Not being able to see all your friends, go out side and stay quit all the time i just couldn't do it. My family and i or a very loud family, it would be almost imposable for us to be quiet. my family would get in a fight like who took what clothes and who hid what. We would also fight over who eat what. Were we would sleep, when we get the bathrooms. but overall i could never be in hiding for 2 years .

  9. Oh jeez... where to start. To be honest, it would be a disaster. Simply put, we would fight too much, over stupid things too. Who would get the last potato would be a fight one day. The next, were fighting over the bathroom. Soon enough, fights escalate, things are getting thrown and the noise level would just be unreasonable. I have no doubt we would be discovered. Well, it depends actually. Most of these fights would be between my sister and I, however intervening in those wouldn't exactly be easy. My sister and I have always just fought. Maybe it's immaturity, maybe it's natural, but she is the cause of the fights. It's just, she is so unreasonable that conflict is inevitable. Maybe we wouldn't be caught, but, I wouldn't put money on it.

  10. well i think the troubles that would arise would be that.. well my brother and i would fight alot! and get under each other's skin way more. my parents would probably be fighting with me and between them selves a lot. we would all want to kill each other. reason why my family has this thing that if we're in a small space for too long not making noise we fell that we're inside a walnut. we would tear each other apart no doubt. if we're in a tight packed space for too long as well our tempers shorten. therefore we will crack easier

  11. Right now I can’t even stay in my house for more than 12 hours, so imagine all the torturous long hours spent just sitting, waiting for something that strikes my interest to come along. Someone saying “Two years of your life has already gone by” would be like someone not finding a pot of gold on the end of a rainbow. Yeah, being with my family all of the time would be great and all, but sometimes we might push each other’s buttons. I think it would be a good experience living with my family for all day and night, but it would have some drawbacks. Being the only child is already fairly difficult, no one who really gets you, no one to blame anything on, and no one to talk to whenever you’re sitting like a lump on the couch with nothing else to do. Now it would worse, no friends to talk to, just my parents. Don’t get me wrong, my parents are incredible, but after two years I don’t think there would really be anything to talk about, besides the hopes of getting out. The good thing is my parents and I might be able to find more things in common, which is great. We could play games, and entertain each other, not just having to entertain ourselves. Some conflicts that would arise would be things about the organization of the hiding place. See, I am a perfectionist, I have to have everything in order, and for me everything has a certain place for it to go, and if it is not there…well you get my point. Personalities would clash and an argument would most likely flare up, just like with other families. Yeah, I must say, it is difficult to live with me; there is no doubt about it. But the living quarters would not be helping the cause, that’s for sure.

  12. I give the Franks and the Van Daans so much credit for not murdering someone over the two years they were together in the Secret Annex. From what we've read so far, there have been conflicts between people, but nothing too drastic. If I were to go into hiding with my family, I am sure nobody would stay as calm as they did. First off, my mom, dad, sister Melissa, brother Frank and I have varying personalities. My brother and my sister, although only two years apart are like night and day. Frankie has very unique tastes in just about anything and is a self proclaimed coffee, tea, scotch and food snob, whereas Melissa doesn't know it if you can't find it on Z100 or in Us Weekly. My brother and my sister can bicker a lot, especially since they both think they are always right even though my sister almost never is. My sister is also a "hypochondriac" as my mom says, because she always thinks she's dying if she has the slightest headache. My mom is very opinionated, outspoken and most likely the loudest person you will ever meet. My dad, on the other hand, is a "man of few words" as he puts it. He, like me, are the one that get things done once we set our minds to it. I think the core of the problems would be of my mom complaining and my dad not being able to do anything to fix it. I am the youngest child and can be very nosy. I think that my personality is a perfect mixture of both of my siblings, but my whole family says I am just like my brother. Holding this statement true, me and my sister fight like we are "two years apart instead of twelve" as my mom tells us. And even though we are better now, this is still true, especially when my sister is home for long periods of time. Me and my sister would probably fight a lot if we were to be in the same conditions as the Franks and Van Daans. Also, for a while now, I have been almost like an only child because both of my sibling moved out(however Melissa still comes home about three times a week) so I wonder how we would react having the whole family together again. Usually my mother is happiest when my brother is around, but she would still be the root to our problems. Now I know that makes me sound like such a typical teenage girl, but it's true. When my mom is mad or upset, I am doubly upset, making my sister angry at my mom. My mom and I rarely argue, but if we do, my sister is quick to defend and comfort me. There would be all of these conflicts and not even the usual way of relieving our stress. I need music, and loud, my sister can't live without TV and my brother probably couldn't go four hours without some type of electronic device. Believe when I say, my family could not survive two years in hiding.


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