Monday, December 6, 2010

Journal Response #2

What do you think you'd miss the most about having to stay inside all day, every day for two years straight?


  1. There are a couple things that I would most likely miss the most about having to stay inside all day for two straight years. One thing I would miss would be my best friends. I would not be able to see or hang out with my friends. This is very upsetting because it would not be the same. I would be losing all my close friends and not being able to see them until after two years would be miserable. Everything would change; my life would feel like its missing something important. I would also miss seeing light. The daytime would feel cold, and brutal like a black hole. I would have to be inside everyday and keep myself entertained with my family, I would be restricted to go outside and I would have to stay indoors. I would miss the blue sky, and the fresh air and the clouds that drift above me. I would miss the green grass and the brown dirt and just about everything. I would be missing the light and my friends the most.

  2. The first thing to note about staying inside for 2 years straight is the comfor tof where you are staying. For example, a stay inside at a 5-star tropical hotel and spa with indoor poool wouldn't be too bad. On the other hand, sleeping in a closet or barn for 2 years would be downright horrible. Assuming it's the latter, the thing that I would miss the most would be the sun. I'd miss the warmth of the sun on my skin, the light of the sun shining down on me-everything about the sun really. Not to mention that you need the sun to survive and turn food into vitamin D or somthing like that. On the other hand, I'd never get sunburned, it would never be too bright to see, and I wouldn't get UV-induced skin cancer.

  3. There would be so many things I would miss about not being outside for two years straight. I would miss the smell of roses and bluebells in the springtime, and the twitter of annoying birds that arise with the sun. I would miss the feel of saltwater underneath my feet, and the softness of sand and the harshness of broken shells. I would miss the call of the summer nights and the sparks of the bonfire and the taste of smores. I would miss the colors of fall, and the leaf piles and the taste of turkey and thankfulness on my tongue. I would miss the excitement of the first snowfall, the delightful screaming of “No school!” and the tubes down my front lawn and the snow forts in the backyard. I would miss the shimmering ball falling down, down, down, and the seven a.m. awakening time of December 25th. I would miss the countless hours of snack picnics on the star-patterned blanket by the big tree, the shoving of the snow off the big rock, and the blackened marshmallows, deprived of their outer coat to a hungry kid. I would miss the pleasure of the City, the wonderfulness of LBI, and the contentment that I get when I see fireworks and stars and a moon. I would miss the never-changing beauty of a sunrise on the beach, or the happiness of a wedding, or the joy of a baby. I would miss dancing in the rain with my sister, performing with my squad, playing with my band, releasing the grip of my father so I could run out into the waves, throwing the ball so my dog could chase it, and looking up at the stars and fireflies and realizing how small we are. But most of all, I would miss the elation and lightness of being free.

  4. If I had to stay inside all day, not being able to leave my hiding place, I would miss seeing my friends the most. I would have to stay inside with my family all day and I would find that to get very boring, but when I'm with my friends I can have a great time and we always have fun. I wouldn't be able to live life by staying in a hiding and seeing the same people everyday. I would miss being outdoors doing activities and games with my friends. I won't be able to get fresh air and I can't even leave the floor we are hiding on. I would surely miss my friends the most.

  5. If i was in hiding for 2 years with no sunlight, or any electric devices i would probably not be able to stand it considering what i live with now. If i lived in a attic with my family and they had a child i could talk to i wouldn't be totally be disappointed. I would also not be able to stand not being outside for two years, because sometimes you NEED fresh air to get in your lungs. Or play basketball or softball, i don't know what i would do. i would also miss not being able to see my best friend, just like how Anne had to do, she left her friend in complete curiosity. It would also be hard for me having to eat the same thing for periods at a time, even though i don't eat a lot of different things anyways. Those are the things that i would miss having to be inside for two years.

  6. this is my responsexdfasdfi

  7. I would miss being outside in the fresh air. Especially since it's winter and I would not be able to go skiing, snow tubing, or just play in the snow in general. I would also miss bike riding and seeing the seasons change. i would also be annoying to be stuck in the same house day after day after day. Lastly I would miss swimming.

  8. I would find staying inside, all day long, for everyday, for two years quite depressing. I am an athletic person and I swim everyday of week for two hours or more. Being stuck in a place like the Secret Annex would definitely make me miss my swimming greatly.
    The best part of everyday would have to be waking up every morning and finding the bright sun in my eyes and all the sounds of nature. The Secret Annex is a helpful place for those who need it, to keep from the Nazi soldiers. Though the down fall is it is so protective that I would miss everything shinning in from that window at the foot of my bed, for all the windows are blocked out, darkened, or covered with a shade. This factor being, no one will be able to take a peek and find those Jewish people hiding.
    I could describe my personality as one that is very exciting and enjoyable. I like to be different and scream at the top of my lungs with all my friends around to have fun with. From hours eight in the morning to six in the evening I would be cut off with no friends at all from any time, whispering or no talk at all, and lastly no movement. Not evening a bathroom during that duration.
    I would miss all of the mentioned because most of it written is the reason why our life or my life is the way it is. In my opinion without these things I would sit all day and not make any noise because I would miss the objects or hobbies a great deal.

  9. If I were in hiding, the number one thing I would miss is gymnastics. I go to gymnastics every day for 4 hours and that is like my life. Gymnastics is my favorite thing to do and is part of my everyday schedule. Also I would miss my dogs. I wouldn’t bring my dogs to the hiding spot because they would make too much noise. I play with my dogs everyday and I love them so much. I would also miss all of my friends. My friends are like my buddies. We do everything together and we have such great times together. My gym friends I cant live without. We talk to each other about everything, and I would never want to lose them. I would also miss my laptop. I would only miss that because I have so many memories on it like pictures and documents.

  10. One of the greatest things of being a kid is that you have a little more freedom. You don't have the hardships and responsibilities of being an adult, and having fun is expected. Being brought up this way, I can't imagine not being able to go outside for two whole years. While I am not what you would call much of an outdoorsy person, the thought of not being in contact with the outside world terrifies me. I first think of the fact that you can't play outside; no swimming, biking, hiking, none of that. But after a while, I think I would grow to miss the little things like dancing in the rain and smelling the morning dew, or catching snowflakes on my tongue. To me, one of the greatest feelings in the world is the hot sun beating down on your back, making you glow with warmth all over and then being refreshed by a cool breeze. To be without the beach for two whole years seems unbearable to me, and I know that would hurt me the most. As much as I despise cold weather, even that I would probably miss. In general, staying inside for long periods of time can make anyone go stir crazy; fresh air is something we all need. I truly don't know how Anne and the rest of the people in hiding were able to go so long staying inside, but I suppose one would do anything to stay alive.

  11. Journal Response #2

    It’s only natural for a human being to think that being inside all day for two straight years would be the utmost punishment. At first, I have no doubt it would feel like this because it’s such a drastic change from a person’s normal everyday life. Like most things though, a person would quickly adapt and learn to use this time to their benefit, even if they didn’t necessarily realize it.
    If I was in this situation and then those two years were up, I would certainly miss things. Once we were free again, and people started to go their own separate ways, I would miss being cramped together with all my siblings and friends (like the Van-Daans). Although most of the time was spent bickering and being upset because of the situation itself, I would yearn for the times we spent feeling so close and going through so many things together. I would miss the times we spent yelling for one another to hurry up in the bathroom, when now we would have a whole toilet to ourselves. At the time I would become angry with people who spent too much time using the sink or talked in their sleep too often, but later I would look back and simply laugh. I would become so attached to living like this that when the time finally arrived for us to leave, I would be in shock. For most people, they don’t realize what they’ve got until it’s gone. So in this case, I would take a situation like this for granted until I was out of it and I began to understand how much I loved it. In the long run, being stuck in a situation like Anne Frank was in may actually turn out to be something to be thankful for.

  12. If I had to stay inside a small area for two years I would go crazy. I love being outdoors, so without fresh air and not being able to run around would drive me nuts. I would miss playing soccer and talking hikes and walks. I would also miss my dog because my dog loves to bark, this would give away our hiding spot. Being in hiding and not being able to see my friends and people other than my family would make me grumpy and there would be many arguments. I wouldn’t like the fact of not being social and being around other people. Every time I come back from a vacation I love seeing my house. I would deeply miss being home and in my own room and bed. I would miss shopping and seeing movies with the people I love. Now thinking about it, it must have been very hard for the Franks to live in that small space.

  13. I would miss everything to say the truth. but what i would miss the most would probly be the sun in my face and the option to go out side and throw a frisbee or play catch with my brother. But the thing i would miss the most would definitally be my computer and t.v. When ever i am tired or just plain bored, those two electronics is where i head first. those two electronics is also the key to the world and information which is another thing i would miss, information. I would also miss my friends and definitally i wouldl miss making noise during the day, like playing my music and rufhousing woth my brother.

  14. If i had to stay inside all day everyday for 2 years the thing i would miss most would be playing sports, hanging with friends, and the weather. I would miss sports because sports are what keep you healthy and without them i feel my body would begin to deteriorate. Also i would miss hanging out with my firends. All the fun times we have had would all be ruined, i would never be able to see them again and i would be every bored. When i go outside and there is a blanket of snow on the ground, it feels nice. I would miss the fresh air, the hot summer days and the dry winter blankets of snow. If i went into hiding i would overall just be very bored.

  15. If I were to have to go into hiding for two years straight I would miss a lot off things. The thing I would miss most is being able to live my life the way I want to live it. My family would have a hard time keeping me from fighting for my life against the Nazis and Hitler. I would miss having three meals a day and having snacks as I wish. I would probably rip off my star and act like I am not Jewish and go out and get food that I want. That is what I would miss the most.

  16. I think that if I had to stay inside everyday for two years straight I would miss the feeling of heat, or the feeling of the cold the most. Everyday whenever you step outside you feel the weather, if you were tapped inside for two years and then suddenly went outside and felt the climate, you would be in shock. I like the feeling of warmth on my skin and I like the feeling of the rain running down my cheeks. But, tied with that I think I would miss my friends, and meeting new people. That's what makes your social skills. Meeting new people, and interacting with several people is something that is severely important to me.

  17. i would miss the fresh air, the sound of the birds, the stars glowing in the night sky, and the drastic change from one season to another. i would miss seeing the leaves gradually change colour as autumn creeps up the trees. i would miss the sun, slowly rising and sending out rays of light all over as it passes the horizon. i would miss the twinkling stars in the sky and the moons' glow. but what i would miss the most, is... the world, and everything happening in it.

  18. This is my comment.

    If I had to stay inside all day, every day for two years straight I would literally go crazy. I would miss so many things. Some of the things I’d miss are my sports, hanging out with my friends, and being outside. I would miss my sports so much. I play sports almost every day and love every second of it. Sports are my hobby and you can’t play sports inside a house, especially in hiding. It also keeps me in shape and healthy. I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t able to play sports for two years. I would also miss hanging out with my friends. Being with my friend is a thing my family believes to be very important and a child’s life. When you’re young you need to be social and make friend so you have people to lean on and people you can count on, not just when you’re young but also when you’re an adult. I love my friends and I love being around them, but the thing I would miss most of all would is being able to go outside. Mostly because I would miss the rain, the wind, the sunlight beating down on my face, swimming in the ocean, feeling the sand in between my toes, watching the leaves on the trees change colors, and playing in the snow. When my mom was a kid, her and her family would go on a camping trip almost every weekend and go to the beach and my dad also played a lot of sports when he was younger. So as I grew up I was constantly outside. Even if it was just walking to and from the bus stop, which I still do today. Whatever the weather was I was either on the swing set, at the park, playing sports, with my friends, pitching with my dad or even kicking the soccer ball around with my younger sister. I love everything about the outdoors. Now my parents have to tell me to come inside for dinner or to finish my homework.

  19. Staying inside all day, every day for two years straight could get boring. There would be things or people on the outside life that you would miss seeing or playing with. If I were in the situation that the Franks and the Vandaans were in with my family, I would miss various things. Things such as laughing and joking around with my friends, while hanging out with them. Running through my acre backyard, playing with my hyper boxer, Diesel. Relaxing poolside with my older sister. Practicing lacrosse on the backboard and net with my older brother. Petting and playing with my long haired kitten, Tiki. I would miss my belongings that I couldn’t bring with me such as my laptop. I would miss watching my television shows on my flat screen TV. I would miss the comfort of my own home. I would miss traveling to my Ocean Beach 2 beach house over the course of the summer. But out of everything I have mentioned, the one thing I would miss the most about being inside all day, every day for two years would be a breath of fresh air.

  20. "What do you miss most?"
    "The sky..."
    My grandfather was admitted into the hopsital a number of months ago in Ireland. When we asked him what he missed most, he answered methodically: the sky. I completely agree. If I were constricted to a small room for a number of months, I would miss fresh air and sunshine. The oceans above change like seasons. Shades of orange, yellow, purple, red; it's a rainbow where rainbows reside. There is a world within our world, where creatures similar to us roam free. Being restriced to a room is equivalent to being restricted to a universe. A universe of possibility, wonder and amazement. A person may be confined, but a universe can not.

  21. I would definitely miss the fresh air of the outside world. I would miss the sports I could play and the brothers I'd play with. Most of all I would hate never seeing (or touching) rolling green grass and soft white snow. If were to come out of hiding, the first thing I'd do is roll around in the grass and I would even sleep in it. That's how much i would miss it. There definitely are more things I'd miss, but the outdoors is the thing I'd miss the most.

  22. Journal Response 2
    If I was stuck inside all day there isn’t one thing I would miss the most, I would miss a lot of things. I would miss having the sun hit my face and all the fresh air. I couldn’t have any windows open so I would miss all the smells of the Earth, like the smell of rain before and after it comes, the smell of fresh flowers, the smell of the leaves…I would miss all of those. I would also miss feeling the different weathers on my face, the hot of summer, cool of fall and spring, and the freeze of winter. I would also miss seeing the seasons change, seeing the blankets of snow on the ground and then the bright green layer of grass to the multicolored leaves on the ground, I would miss all of that. I would also miss seeing the snow fall and feeling it dissolve on my face, I would also miss feeling the rain drops fall down on me, one of my all time favorite things to do is run in the rain. Running, I would miss that a lot too, enjoying myself breathing in the fresh air of any season, I would miss that. As you can see, I wouldn’t miss one thing, I would miss many things.

  23. There are so many things that I would miss about having to stay inside all day, everyday for two years straight. I would miss not seeing my friends and not having much of a social life anymore. I would miss school. I would miss my house. But the thing I would miss the most doesn't compare. I would miss the world the most. And by world, I don't mean the city or cars or the bright lights. Sure, I would miss those things, but I mean nature. I would miss nature. The fresh air, the trees and the grass. The feeling of taking walks outside just to smell the roses. The sun, the rain and the snow. And I would miss the little things, too. The cicadas at night, the morning dew on grass, bees flying from flower to flower, autumn time when all of the leaves on the trees turn gold and red and orange and fall off. I would even miss the spiders. So, if I were to stay inside all day, everyday for two years straight, I know would miss nature the most.

  24. I can barely even begin to imagine what it would be like to have to stay inside everyday for two entire years. There are many, many things I would miss during that time period of staying inside. One main thing would have to be just being outside in a forest. I adore hiking and the only way to hike is to go outside to a mountain or some forest. There’s none of this inside. Especially not inside a small place where you would go into hiding inside of. I wouldn’t even be able to step outside even near a forest to sniff the familiar smell I’d miss. I can tell Anne misses the outside. As explained in the story, she always looks outside this one window in her bedroom in the annex where she watches, everyday, a toddler learn to walk. Anne says she prayers and hopes that they don’t accidentally fall into the nearby water and drown. If this ever did happen and no one was there to help the child as they struggled, Anne wouldn’t be able to run outside and help for herself or call out to them. That would give away their hiding place. She’s not even allowed to this. I couldn’t imagine having to stay inside for two entire years everyday and face the same, stuffy, smelly, trapped air that I would have to face all the time. I would miss the fresh, cool air of the environment. I would miss facing this air every day.

  25. If I were to go into hiding, I would bring clothes and personal items. I have this traditional dress from my mother’s island to keep me warm during the winter time. First I would bring other clothes as well. For example I would carry fifteen pairs of underwear, three bras, two pairs of shorts and jeans, five shirts, one sweater, and three pairs of socks, and one pair of flats. The dress’s skirt is made out of wool, so you can imagine how warm it is. There is a white thick loose blouse that is tucked into the skirt, white tights, red flats, an apron on top of the skirt and a head piece. Some items I would bring would be a book, a notebook, pencils, pens, cross to pray every day, pictures, old Croatian song, jewelry box, tooth paste and tooth brush, and my glasses.
    The only problem is how will I carry all of those items? The clothes are very simple, I wear as much as I can and whatever cannot fit I will shove it in my pockets. My personal items will be carried in a box or in my school bag. This way it wouldn’t look like I am moving away. I wouldn’t carry any electronics because I don’t like to use them at all. The only time I do is when I have homework or when I have nothing better to do. My schedule will be sleeping and maybe some writing and then just listen to everybody telling secrets to each other. I just know that will be fun. Then I wouldn’t need a television. My parents would carry other supplies like food and their clothes as well as my brother.

  26. If I had to stay inside all day every day for two years straight, the things I'd miss the most would have to be my friends. Aside from the things a person's family gives them, friends give you everything. Friends are an inspiration for laughter, an inspiration for fun, an inspiration for stories, they give you support when you find yourself in a jam. Friends are the inspiration of life. Family too may be a friend, but not like the way a real friend is. I'd miss having someone who relates to me, knows the way I think, the way I feel. Two years without a person to share these connections and qualities with would drive any person mad.

  27. If I were to go into hiding, I would bring clothes and personal items. I have this traditional dress from my mother’s island to keep me warm during the winter time. First I would bring other clothes as well. For example I would carry fifteen pairs of underwear, three bras, two pairs of shorts and jeans, five shirts, one sweater, and three pairs of socks, and one pair of flats. The dress’s skirt is made out of wool, so you can imagine how warm it is. There is a white thick loose blouse that is tucked into the skirt, white tights, red flats, an apron on top of the skirt and a head piece. Some items I would bring would be a book, a notebook, pencils, pens, cross to pray every day, pictures, old Croatian song, jewelry box, tooth paste and tooth brush, and my glasses.
    The only problem is how will I carry all of those items? The clothes are very simple, I wear as much as I can and whatever cannot fit I will shove it in my pockets. My personal items will be carried in a box or in my school bag. This way it wouldn’t look like I am moving away. I wouldn’t carry any electronics because I don’t like to use them at all. The only time I do is when I have homework or when I have nothing better to do. My schedule will be sleeping and maybe some writing and then just listen to everybody telling secrets to each other. I just know that will be fun. Then I wouldn’t need a television. My parents would carry other supplies like food and their clothes as well as my brother.

  28. Living in hiding for two years, without going outside would be tough. But yet, the Franks and the VanDaans managed to do so. Having to stay inside for two whole years, I would miss many things. First, I would miss feeling the temperature of the air and the changes that you could feel throughout the seasons. I love that spring feeling, when it is cold, but yet very warm. I love the snow and all the joyous things that come with it.I would miss the warm summer breeze against my sweaty neck on a summers day. Also, I would miss all the physical things that you could do outide. the running, the bike ruding, the stickball, the kickball and all the other outdoor sports. being cooped up everyday for two days straight, would drive me up a wall

  29. I miss going outside and having fresh air and running around and playing. Less freedom and feel sad. I would be sad not being able to go outside getting some food and seeing friends. After a while i would feel like i had less freedom and i would be sad not being able to ride my bike or skateboard. I would miss going to school cause i like to my friends every week and its fun. I would miss living in my regular house and it would be hard living in a secret small room.I think the thing i would miss the most though is going outside cause i hate being inside all the time its boring and sad sometimes.

  30. For me, having to stay inside all day, every day for two years would make me miss a couple things. But, there would be one thing I would miss the most. I would miss hanging out with my friends more than anything. Being confined to my house would mean that the only interaction with people would be with my family. I wouldn’t be able to see anyone else. I guess it wouldn’t be torture to just be with my family every day, but it’s nice to go out and have fun with friends once in a while. Interaction with friends would definitely be number 1 on my list of the things I’d miss most if I had to go into hiding.


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