Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HW: March 9

Response Required:

This week we have studied social changes in society during the 1950s and early 60s.  Our nation has been built on change upon change.
  • Can there be social change without violence?  Besides what we've read this week, consider other national and international incidences throughout history (both ancient and recent).


  1. No, I don't think that there can be social change without violence. There will always be an arguing "party" in an argument that will cause violence. For example, the KKK was very violent during integration in the 50s and 60s. Not only that, the law enforcement was corrupt and extremely violent to peaceful protestors. When our nation was fighting for its freedom, England attacked and we had an all out war. Also, abolishing slavery was tough when the south seceeded and we encountered another war. With major changes, there always comes violence in some form.

  2. Yes, there can be social change without violence. The idea that is trying to be changed must have back up reasoning. The integration issues could have been avoided if people knew the truth, that blacks were the same as whites. This did not happen as a result of segregation. An example of a social change without violence would be helping create a new world. We work as a big family depolluting our waters and air. We would not argue over this matter because if we do not start to clean up our earth, there may not be a future.

  3. In my opinion, I think there can be social change without violence. Not everything needs some type of fighting or violence. For example, Rosa Parks is a good figure. Rosa stood up for what she belived in and did not get up from her bus seat. There was no violence involved. A boycott did take place but not a lot of violence occured. Protests are good forms of showing how you feel without including "violence" into the situation. I feel like social change can happen without somebody getting hurt or a war breaking out. In my opinion, there CAN be social change without violence!

  4. Can there be social change without violence? No, I don't think there can be. It's easy to say that it would be possible if everyone just made a compromise, but you will always have a group, big or small, that will create violence for what they believe in. Our world is so big that we are bound, forever, to have the people that want to compromise peacefully and then those who don't. A recent example can be the people in Egypt who have been trying to overthrow, or make their ruler step down. The citizens wanted a change in government, but as we all have witnessed, there was an incredible amount of violence to express themselves. It is definitely not easy to control every single human being in our world and make them think and act the way we wish they could. Everyone is their own unique individual which, unfortunately, comes with a price.

  5. Yes, there can be social change without violence. The most obvious example of this is the desegregation of blacks and whites. Many blacks led very peaceful protests and almost never struck back at the white people trying to bring them harm. Another social change that was done without violence was the rights of women. Women could not vote before the 1920s. Many women worked very hard to earn the right to vote. They did it without any violence. The women marched around with signs demanding womens' suffrage, but they did not start any violence.

  6. I do not believe that there can be social change without violence. Before the American Revolution, when early America was protesting nonviolently against the taxes placed on it by England, nothing changed. Change did happen, however, when stamps were burnt and men were tarred and feathered. Eventually this issue escalated into the Revolutionary War, which is another example of no nonviolent behavior involved in change. Even the story we read today (3/9/11) which involved black men and women passively and silently protesting their rights, had violence in it. This came from the white crowd which jeered at them, threatened and attempted violent acts against them. Overall, nonviolent social change requires both sides being open-minded towards the other, and in my memory, I do not remember any change without some form of violence. Until people learn to be accepting and open-minded, we will not have peaceful change.

  7. No, there can not be social change without any violence in America and any other countries. For example the only country was when chehoslovakia split into two countries, to Cheh Republic and Republic of Slovakia. Also they changed from comunist system to democratic system without resorting to violence. in my research every where in the world, each social change led to big arguements and those arguements led to violence.

  8. There can be social change without having violence. This, however, is dependent on the "change" that is taking place and the values and morales of the changers. There will always be that one person who disagrees with all the others, and who will take things completely out of proportion. Based on past events, such as the Revolutionary War and the Boston Tea Party, I would say that no peace at all was present. In cases like those, it is hard to just talk things over with the opposition. But based on the possibility of having a peaceful change that is violent-free, it is absolutely possible.

  9. Violence is always a part of our modern society, no matter what the reason. When it comes to social change, it isnt possible for there to be absolutely no violence. There will always be some type of argument. Not everyone is going to agree, and theres always that one person that blows everything out of proportion. You cant mention a huge change in society and expect everyone to agree. You'll just be dissapointed.

  10. I do not believe there can be a social change without violence. Usually one party out of the 2 that are trying to change something get angry because they want it there way and the other party wants it the other way. This would defenityl lead to some sort of violence whether it be yelling or shouting or something physical like a fight or gunshots.

  11. Our nation has been built on change, and based on the past, I don't believe that there can be a social change without violence. You can enforce rules on people to follow, but there will always be the few that strongly oppose and protest, boycott, and refuse to follow the new rule. Many events, were a religion or race was being changed, many acts of violence occurred that led to injuries and even deaths of the race or religion being targeted.
    During the 1950s, African Americans were all given their freedom. Many people had grown up knowing them solely as slaves, and thought that they didn't deserve to have their freedom. Many people protested and created groups or clans. One of the most famous of the clans was the KKK. The KKK was a clan of people who despised the freedom of African Americans, and did everything in their power to prevent them from enjoying their freedom. They harassed them, abused them, and prevented them from doing any activity that whites were able to do. They prevented them from receiving a much needed education they needed.
    Another event in history were a social change involved violence was when women were given rights. There was the group that opposed of the law and protested it. Some even attacked women that voted. This is unfair, as well as sexist. My point is that everything will never be completely agreed. There always be the certain someone that will oppose of something. Everyone is different and is entitled to their own opinion, but many take it too far, which eventually leads to violence. This is why I believe that there can not be social change without violence.

  12. The chances of making a change without using violence is very slim. There will always be violent people in the world. The nonviolent people will be intimidated and by the others and join them just so they don't get hurt. There is always the chance that people will truly want to stand up for what they believe in, and then they won't join another side, but that doesn't usually happen.

  13. Through out history, there have been social changes through out the world. However, the majority of them haven't happened without any form of violence. Take the Holocaust for example. The Germans attacked the Jews but now, they are able to co-exist in the world today. Also, there were other genocides throughout the world that happened because people don't agree living with each other. In the future, there may be a possibility were no violence occurs and they could live in harmony, but in the previous times and in times today, violence seems to always be the answer.

  14. Andrew Lawson
    Ms. Drosdick
    Language Arts, Period 7
    March 9, 2011

    Yes we can have social change without violence. Violence is not always a way to get something done your way. An example of this would be in politics. A recent change was when Barrack Obama was elected the first black President of our country. People came together in local towns and states to campaign for him and to support him and to get him elected. Barrack Obama used a form of non violence social change in his campaign. He used the phrase “yes we can” during his campaign to get people excited about changing the country for the better. Although some people did not want Barrack Obama to become President, they did not use violence to get their point across. Instead, they supported another candidate or voted and maybe campaigned for them. Another example of non violent social change in politics would be if you totally feel like you don’t fit into the Republican or Democratic Parties, you can start your own. Although it may not be a Party that most people would follow, staring your own Party could still be a non violent social change. One person who started a new Party would be Sarah Palin would started the Tea Party. Also, back in the olden days, the Whig Party was started. These political ideas are great examples of non violent social changes today. So, this is why I believe it is possible to have social change with violence in out society today.

  15. I believe that you can change society without violence. There is no need for war or fights when we can easily talk about it. There are some who believe otherwise and would rather fight then talk. The world would be more peaceful of we all just talk things over without using violence.
    There have been many figures in history including Martin Luther King Jr. that resolved issues without violent. Martin Luther King Jr. was a very peaceful man and stood up for what he believed in. People like Gandhi are seen as leader who solve problems peacefully. Our President Obama has not take very many or any actions of violence. He is own newest president and he is setting good examples. Compared to the other President we have has President Obama seems to be the least violent. This proved that social changes can happen and have happened without using violence.

  16. Social change can indeed change without violence but the chances of that happening is very slim. In the past people have tried to make a social change but rarely did their verbals words work. They often needed someone outside to create violence to make it seem like their cause was true. The Civil War of Lincolns period wanted to make all slaves free. The North agreed but the south had completely disagreed and decided to make a war out of it. Lincoln tried to make a social change but even with his power as a presidant, it didn't work. Even now people may be trying to be making a social change but we don't realize it because no violence has been brought to us. Since no violent actions have been pulled on us we may be oblivious to an organization trying to a change in the world. In Egypt people wanted their presidant to be impeached and was successfull but at the cause of many riots and violent actions. Because of these reasons i think that it is possible but not possible to make social change happen without violence.

  17. Yes, social change can be made without violence. This can happen simply through sit-ins. In class we read a short story about blacks and whites coming together to meet at a lunch-in for a sit-in. A sit-in is like a form of boycott. The people sat down to stand up for what they believe in. Though violence took place, in the end, when the group continued to go to the lunch in’s, the police and hoodlums stopped abusing them and soon blacks and whites were allowed to get served in the lunch in. If they had given in when violence started, they wouldn’t have made a social change peacefully in the end. Also, when the Little Rock Nine went to the whites’ school, there was some violence but that didn’t make a difference. Soon, the whites began accepting the blacks and peace was made between them.

  18. A time in history when major social change has come without violence was this year in our country with the repealing of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", so anyone can join the armed forced regardless if they're gay or straight. Before this, our country's military was discriminate against certain people by not letting them join, but now that is gone. This social change in helping break down discrimination came very peacefully.

  19. I believe there cannot be a social change without violence. For instance, Martin Luther King Jr. started off to a great social change by making it right that no matter the color, we are all the same. However, this change led to violence, as in the death of Martin Luther King Jr.

  20. Journal Entry

    I think that it would be hard but possible to have a social change without violence because of what has happened in the past. In the past even when people tried to petition friendly or even have sit-ins things never really ended well. For example while they were trying to desegregate towns, schools, restaurants and movie theaters people would try to petition, nicely and with out violence. Even though it was not supposed to not be violent and the intentions were good. Many people got arrested because on person started fighting and it turned in to a big thing. That also happened a long time ago, but today I think that we could probably have a social change with out violence. I think that people have learned to be a little more acceptances and work out there problems through talking and not violent actions. Today we have many people that could help negotiate each side and work to make sure that things do not get violent. Years have gone by and people have become more accepting so in this day and age we could accomplish a social change with out violence if we wanted.

  21. Yes there can. For example instead of rebelling against England the pilgrims just sailed away and practiced their religion freely. No fighting was invloved whatsoever. Even though people called them names they ignored them and left peacefully.

  22. Mrs.Drosdick i think it is possible to change society with out violence. example: Boy is coming in the school hallway he accidentally pushes girl or boy if they are smart enough they can just say i sorry, not in to the fight



  25. There can be social change without violence. I think this because you don't have to fight for what you want to happen. You could talk about it with a group of people, sort of like when the government meets to talk about change. They don't go around hitting and attacking people for what they want to change, they discuss it together. You could also make signs saying what you want to happen and people would read them. You don't have to go around holding the sign and waking people with it. There are various ways you could have social change without violence. In Egypt and Libya they are going through social change, but they are fighting for it. They are being very violent. You shouldn't encourage that because that is the last path you should take. There are many other paths you could take before that.

  26. There can be social change without violence. For example, when Gandhi was fighting for India's freedom, he wouldn't hurt anybody. He would protest peacefully. One of things he did was fasting. Sometimes, though, violence happens. Egypt is fighting for democracy and there is a lot of violence. People are getting killed and severely injured. There is a lot of ruckus there. But, I still believe that there can be social change without violence. People like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. went down in history mainly because of their means of peaceful protest. In conclusion, social change is possible in a nonviolent way.

  27. No there cannot be a social change without violence. No matter what there will always be the people that will disagree, and would want to fight. For Example during the Civil War, they wanted a social change very badly, but did that stop them from fighting. I mean it is always possible, but its just no going to happen.

  28. There can be social change sometimes without violence. For example, there are three types of people. People who stand up and do something, people who are quiet about it, and people who just dont do anything and wait to see the outcome. Have you ever heard the saying, "A perfect world." ? The world will never be perfect because even though everyone agrees on something, there will always be that one person that disagrees and has a problem. Everybody in this world will never be in full agreement on something. Even as simple as having cars. So yes, there can be social change without violence. But not all the time.

  29. Through the 1950s and early 60s, there have been many changes in society. Our nation has been built upon those changes made, and have made life much better. Social changes can be made violently, but the point can come across just as powerfully without violence. One example of a current social change in the world is the 50,000 transitional troops from the United States in Iraq. They are there to help Iraq in the transition of steady government and reliable security from the Iraqis security forces. Once at war with Iraq, we are now helping them and withdrawing out combat troops, to help make Iraq a better place.

  30. Social chnage can occur with no volence. Even though it does not happen often it can. Part of the Little Rock Nine social change ocurred without any violence. This happened when they got into school and most of the students accepted them and ask the to sit with them at lunch and shook thier hands. It is clearly possible for that to have been non violent if it wasn't for a small group of iggnorant people who thought that black people are problems. This makes it possible to undergo social change with out any violence, rare but possible.


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