Thursday, March 10, 2011

Social Media and Social Change?


  1. social change is possible with out violence but it takes a lot of work especially when people are defending a cause standing up for what they believe in. or in a peacful sense sitting down for what you believe in most of the time social change starts peacefully then trouble starts when you have others against your cause. starting with yelling , shoving then fighting. therefore change can be peaceful but it takes alot of effort.
    -ccw per.7

  2. I do believe that there can be social change without violence. Social change can be solved or corrected without the means of anything painful to one another. You can talk to the person about what they believe and what you believe to solve any disputes that occur. Girls are not necessarily violent. They can solve problems without punching or hitting one another. You can solve issues by making petitions or just simply talking it out and voicing your opinion with one another.

  3. Sometimes, as in the Civil Rights Movement of the early 1960s, a change in society can occur with much violence and confusion. On the other hand, sometimes, as in the hippie movement of about the same time period, changes in society can occur easily and without violence. Perhaps it was because the hippie movement did not attack contemporary ideals or traditions, but neither did the Civil Rights movement, well, in the North, anyway. The Hippie movement, amazingly, took place at the same time as two turbulent and violent events; the already mentioned Civil Rights movement, and the Vietnam War. This goes to show that even when there is violence during one social change, another social change happening at the same time does not have to be violent. There were those who criticized and attacked the hippie movement, but ultimately these problems were solved by effective communication and both sides' compromises. Both of these can be used to propel along a social change without violence. The path to a different society is a bumpy and rugged road, but if you have good enough suspension on your car, you will be able to make it.


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